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High Quality LED Screens

No matter the weather, parked or in transit. Our advertising trucks will find your audience, when you want it and wherever they are. Carolinas Ad Truck screens are crystal clear – your audience will see exactly what you want them to!


GPS Tracking 

Bringing a customized message to your target audience is everything Carolinas Ad Truck is about. We want you to feel comfortable knowing where our trucks are headed and stopping! Additionally our advertising trucks messaging can be, according to specific geographic locations and characteristics.


Advertising Your Way

Is one picture not enough to get you message across? No worries, it’s much easier to add more advertising video files, remove files, or start and stop a campaign with a mobile digital advertising truck than a conventional method. You can have full control over your campaign and to chop and change as and when required based on the demands of the crowds.



Digital billboard advertising trucks or Mobile Digital Billboard Truck can go anywhere, with visuals at the audience eye level, providing new channels for out of home advertising.

We wanted to offer digital billboard advertising services designed to make an impact for you and your business without taking a big chunk from your marketing budget.

Wherever your target is, billboard advertising trucks bring cutting-edge technology to your audience with advertising expertise of more than 20 years. We'll reach your target. We'll engage them. And we'll impact them with the mobile billboards better than anyone in the business. 


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